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The Laia Project arises in response to the ongoing gentrification of Barcelona, and other major cities, and the subsequent challenge of preserving local knowledge. As neighborhoods become increasingly globalized, there is a concerning trend of diminishing community connections despite the potential for greater cultural interchange. In the hustle and bustle of city life, the focus often shifts towards productivity and profit, overshadowing the people who call these neighborhoods home and leading to an individualized way of living.

Neighborhoods are gradually losing their local identity as global influences take hold. The proliferation of online platforms and digital services has played a significant role in facilitating global connections, reducing reliance on local resources and knowledge. People increasingly turn to these platforms for services, information, and social interactions, leading to a diminished role for traditional neighborhood institutions and networks. Moreover, the replacement of local shops with big chains reflects global consumer trends, eroding the unique character of local shopping districts and limiting opportunities for small, independent businesses.

Additionally, the rise of globalized media and entertainment has contributed to a homogenization of cultural tastes among residents. Traditional local festivals and cultural practices risk being overshadowed by global events and trends, resulting in a loss of cultural diversity and identity within Barcelona’s neighborhoods. Furthermore, the proliferation of digital communication platforms and social media has altered the dynamics of human connections within these neighborhoods. Residents increasingly rely on online networks and virtual communities for socializing and sharing information, reducing the frequency and quality of face-to-face interactions and potentially contributing to feelings of social isolation and detachment from the local community.

In response to these challenges, the Laia Project aims to counteract the negative effects of globalization and technology by building a set of artifacts and frameworks to help local communities reconnect and participate in neighborhood initiatives. Despite acknowledging the existence of globalization and technology, the project adopts a mindful approach, utilizing technology and other resources in a way that aligns with the needs of the community. By applying artificial intelligence in a local context, the project transforms technology into a collective intelligence that empowers communities to reclaim their voice and strengthen their connections.

Though the Laia Project has its roots in the El Clot neighborhood of Barcelona, its vision extends beyond the confines of a single locality. The intention is to develop a framework that can be applied to similar contexts suffering from similar challenges, both within Spain and beyond. By addressing the root causes of neighborhood disconnection and isolation, the Laia Project aims to create more resilient, sustainable, and equitable communities for the future.

Last update: June 21, 2024