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Atlas of weak signals

Jana Tothill & Roger Guilemany

10-11 October 2023

Reflection on the process of building your initial Design Space

Utilizing the AoWS method and adopting a multiscalar personal design space strategy, I crafted my initial design structure. This process facilitated my exploration of a variety of concepts that had never crossed my mind previously, at least not related to design. During this research, I discovered unexpected connections between various specific subjects, which have the potential to serve as activators to new original design approaches and concepts.

The exercise provided me with the opportunity to immerse myself in previously unknown territory, as a result, I was able to pinpoint the topics that resonated most deeply with me. The core themes that consistently surfaced in my mind the most were Rural Futures and Non-heteropatriarchal Innovation.

Personal AoWS board and new suggestions

My personal AoWS board contains the following elements and reflections on their connection:

Weak signals: Rural Futures and Non-heteropatriarchal Innovation Areas of opportunity: Environmental Sensing and Design for social innovation. Triggers: Locally Productive Globally Connected, Redesigning Habits.

Multiscalar personal Design Space

My multiscalar personal design spaces features some of the elements of my workspace, the elements present in my AoWS and the references I am familiar with in the field I’m interested in.

Design Space final version

This is my final (not final at all) Design Space, made out of the combination of the previous diagrams.

Last update: June 21, 2024