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Documenting design

Pablo Zuloaga Betancourt

Throughout the term

Because of my late arrival in the master, I wasn’t able to attend the first class of Documenting Design. Despite that, when I arrived, I was quickly put up to date about the contents of the class and the assignment it carried.

Since I haven’t lived this class as the rest of my colleagues, I figured I would reflect on how the process of building a website has been.

Inspiration for my website

Emotions that have provoked me to create a website for the first time:

  • Uncertainty

  • Fear

  • Curiosity

  • Pride

  • Desire to learn more

  • Lack of knowledge

  • Frustration

  • Satisfaction

  • Confidence

  • Dependence on others

Text styles:

Title 1

Title 2

Title 3




cursiva i negrita

This is a custom callout box or highlight using HTML and CSS.


Jana Tothill & Roger Guilemany 10-11 October 2023

This text is center-aligned using HTML and inline CSS.

Last update: June 21, 2024