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Second intervention

When? 2nd March 2024

Who? Nuria and Marius

What? Drifting from Vallcarca to Horta

As both Marius and I wanted to do some research in the field of cities and intelligences, in our first intervention together, we walked through the city, more specifically through the neighbourhoods of Vallcarca, El Carmel and Horta. We made a rule not to interact with our phones during the walk, only to take pictures and recordings. During that walk, we finally had the space to talk about our common interests and visions of projects, at the same time that we were observing those neighbourhoods and what they had to tell us.

From that intervention, I took the confirmation of our partnership and some clear ideas on what we could do together. We, infact, made a list of them in order to remember, since we walked for 3h and kept on talking, we had the feeling that many things would get lost. The result of that talk is:

  • interview with more specific questions to roger (approaching) and oscar (sensing and visualizing and creating awareness about the sorrounding)
  • ⁠find principles/methodologies to approach and activate random people - books and methods
  • ⁠platform/communication strategy to connect projects and people (actors), not only online - find references and projects

Last update: June 21, 2024