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Communicating Ideas

Pablo Zuloaga Betancourt & Laura Benitez

During third term

9th April - Pablo

My project in a paragraph: The project aims to make the city of Barcelona a more welcoming and easy enviroment for its citizens. We want to make the communities of the city thrive and give them the agency of decision making on a small and larger scale. Through community activities and new technologies, the neighbours of Barcelona will feel more connected between eachother and with their enviroment, enhacing citizen participation and reshaping of the urban landscape.

My project in 19 words: The project aims to enhance Barcelona’s environment, empower communities, foster connection, and reshape urban landscape through technology and workshops.

My project in 8 words: Potentiate urban communities to reshape city enviroment.

Project Purpose in a Tweet: The project’s purpose is to create and potentiate small communities within Barcelona to better the citizen’s experience.

ChatGPT says: To cultivate mentally healthier and more connected communities within Barcelona.


  • Finish the positioning canvas

  • Open a social media/digital media account
    • Generate 3-4 contents based on the canvas
      • Article, videos, gallery, images, illustrations…


  • usefull to write in a short time
  • big words all the time
  • need to make a narrative/story with the Anb, But, Therefore theory
  • very usefull chatgpt prompt - explain

18th April - Laura

LAIA is a framework we have designed to capture the collective knowledge of a community, to further process it in a collective intelligence artifact that can be used to enhace participation and awareness within the community and its enviroment. At this time, LAIA is being applied to the community of the neighbourhood El Clot. We have undertaken different workshops and today we present the current stage of the artifact that embodies the collective voice of the neighbourhood.

“LAIA” és un marc de treball que hem dissenyat per a capturar el coneixement col·lectiu d’una comunitat, per a després processar-lo en un artefacte d’intel·ligència col·lectiva que pot ser utilitzat per a millorar la participació i la consciència dins de la comunitat i el seu entorn. En aquest moment, “LAIA” s’està aplicant a la comunitat del barri El Clot. Hem realitzat diferents tallers i avui presentem la fase actual de l’artefacte que plasma la veu col·lectiva del barri.


  • difference between the framework and the machine, how does the framework gather data?…

  • framework is too big right now

Last update: June 21, 2024