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Helen Torres

On Donna Haraway’s (and others) concept of response ability (responsability) responsability = individual, guilt

CONTEXT: Antorpocene, climate change, ecological disasters…

  • How can we imagine a better future when the old paradigms of human exceptionalism, individualism and autonomy are not good enough to understand the challenges of living and dying on a damaged planet?
    • human exceptionalism - thinking that humans are the most intelligent species, maybe the only one, and at the top of the pyramid
  • How can we practica the arts of living in multispecies worlds?
  • How do we take care of each other, humans and non humans, rendering each other capable?

3 concepts of Haraway:

The problem is not humanity, but “Man” (as an individual, autonomous organism) Anthopocene fails as a universal concept, not everyone contributes and live with it in the same way. We need situated problems of specific people and specific time. Human exceptionalism, antropocene centers humans in a background nature that is only a landscape and other species are just there, are not important. We don’t recognize other specie’s agency like ours, ours i better and bigger.

Dona Haraway, apart from critque, she proposes things…

  1. Paying attention to the language: antropocene is a bad name for our era because not all humans are responsible for this situation, not all humans have caused the problems, also that the scale of the world overwhelm us and makes us do nothing about it

  2. Symbiosis - as the idea to propose another name for our era; Chtulucene

  3. Symbiogenesis - when to organism merge and create a new different one

  4. Critters - they do not precede their relatings, they make each other thour semiotic material (Material semiotics is a multidimensional framework that explores the interconnectedness between physical elements and symbolic systems.) involution

  5. Holobionts (instead of individuals) - symbiotic assemblages, at whatever scale of space of time, which are more like knots of diverse intra-active reating sin dynamic and complex systems. It doesn’t designate host + symbionts because all of the players are symbionts to each other, in diverse kinds of relationalities and with variyng degrees of openness to attachments and assemblages with other holobionts.

  6. Sympoiesis - it means “making-with” Nothing makes itself, nothing is really autopoietic or self-organizing. Is a word propoer to complex, dynamic, responsive, situated, historical systems. It is a word for worlding-with, in company.

Response-ability - is about both absence and presence, killing ans nurturing, living and dying and remembering who lives and who dies and how in the string figures…

  • cultivating the capacity for response

  • no on being responsible but learning how to respond and being opened to unexpected…

  • how we pay attention affect wether we can hear these calls and how we learn to respond (vinciane Despret)


  • Public space cutting in the neighbourhood in bcn with less public space per capita

  • We don’t go to the existing museum, so we won’t be

  • Already some years ago, we had to use the space for a CAP, an Macba negotiated with it to build their ampliation. Not even the Ajuntament has more power of decision

  • It doesn’t add social or cultural value to the neighbourhoo, but it adds capital value. It will be another excuse for banks and big homeowners to raise rents and further gentrify Raval.

  • If there is moeny to amplify the MACBA, there should be money to better the public spaces of Raval or even basic infrastructures.

  • We see the MACBA as a big impenetrable building where we don’t belong in

Last update: June 21, 2024